DIM1HEALTH is based on three areas – environmental health, human health and animal health – whose close interactions make them inseparable from each other. The “One Health” concept came into being in a context characterized by climate change, worldwide demographic growth, scarcity of natural resources, and shifting health pressures in both human and animal populations.
News and events
DIM 1Health
Events, ConferenceJune 4th 2019
from 9:30 am to 6:00 pm
May 23rd 2019
Microbiology at the heart of the “One Health” concept Symposium of the Sorbonne University Alliance laboratories The 2019 edition will focus on the One Health concept, shedding light on Microbiology in integrated approaches to human, animal and environmental health. This [...]
From May 20th 2019
to May 23rd 2019
Building on the success of the 1st & 2nd International Conferences « CBRNE Research and Innovation » which took place in Antibes – FR (2015) and Lyon – FR (2017), the 3rd International Conference CBRNE – Research & Innovation will [...]
Call for applications for the funding of PhD grants Paris Région PhD² The Île-de-France Region is committed to continuing to develop PhD and research training by co-financing 100 PhD contracts by 2022 for the digitization of skills and new technologies [...]
The internal call to apply for the One Health EJP Short Tem Missions 2019 is now OPEN! The following documents associated with this internal call can be found in the group ‘Call for Short Term Missions’ on the private space [...]