DIM1HEALTH is based on three areas – environmental health, human health and animal health – whose close interactions make them inseparable from each other. The “One Health” concept came into being in a context characterized by climate change, worldwide demographic growth, scarcity of natural resources, and shifting health pressures in both human and animal populations.
News and events
October 19th 2018
from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm
October 19th 2018
from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
Seminar « Human/animal relationships : contemporary questions » 2018-2019 Carole Ferret and Frédéric Keck Laboratory of Social Anthropology This seminar has been validated by the EHESS The seminar will take place at the musée du quai Branly except for the [...]
September 28th 2018
The Centre for Health from Environment (CHE) is an integral part of the Ryan Institute at NUI Galway. The CHE is working to promote health by placing environmental stewardship at the centre of policy through teaching, research and advocacy. It [...]
ISHAM is a world wide organization that represents all clinical scientists and fundamental researchers with interest in fungal diseases and fungus-like infections. ISHAM also serves as an independant society that is non-political and non-discriminatory. It exists solely to encourage and facilitate [...]
Sciences Citoyennes informs you that ADEME, the Fondation de France, Agropolis Fondation and the Charles Léopold Mayer Foundation – FPH create in 2018 an innovative device to support participatory research. In this context, these four organizations are pleased to announce [...]
Med-Vet-Net Association Travel Grants for Attendance at Relevant Conferences A bursary of up to €1K is available. Grants will be announced twice per year in January and in July. A total budget of 15,000 € is available, half of which will [...]